Are you looking to operate a small unmanned aircraft system (sUAS) as part of your Princeton experience?
There are a few things you need to do before you get flying. Approval is required to fly in any outdoor area and all indoor common spaces at Princeton.
Go directly to Princeton sUAS Flight Request Form »
(Princeton CAS Login Required)
The remote operator of a sUAS has personal responsibility for the safety, skill, and knowledge of how to fly legally. FAA regulations and university policies apply to use of sUAS on campus. See the Learn More page for more information.
All sUAS users must obtain authorization to operate a drone in the United States by seeking either a Part 107 License (good for all circumstances) or passing the TRUST aeronautical knowledge and safety test (good for recreational and research flights under limited circumstances). See the Policies and Procedures page for more information.
sUAS devices between 0.55 pounds (250 grams) and 55 pounds (approx. 25 kilograms) must be registered with the FAA before they can be flown anywhere in the United States. A video from the FAA explains more about the registration process. Register Now on the FAA Drone Zone »
Beginning March 16, 2024, the FAA implements a registration system known as Remote ID. Remote ID is a mandated technology allowing for the tracking and identification of UAS. Drone pilots are required to register their Remote ID-compliant drone, or update their registration, through the FAA Drone Zone. Learn More »
Princeton University faculty, students and staff and anyone else seeking to fly a sUAS on the campus must read and agree to Princeton University's sUAS Policy. Approval must be sought at least 2 weeks prior to sUAS use. Read Policy »
Requests to Fly on Princeton University Property
Approval is required to fly sUAS in any outdoor area and all indoor common spaces at Princeton.
Users must fill out and submit a request to fly form. Several days and times can be reserved at once (additional approvals may be required for certain types of regulated research), so be sure to plan ahead. Go to Form »
Flights may take place only in the specific location(s) as approved through the request process. More than one day and time may be requested on a single form. Additional days and times may be reserved following receipt of an approved flight plan by submitting another request.
University personnel may conduct indoor sUAS flights for research and courses in spaces that are already assigned to them (office, research laboratory, dorm room) without using this request and approval process. To schedule any other indoor location for a sUAS project, submit a request at least two weeks or more prior with proposed dates and times.
Learn more about preferred locations on campus on our Where to Fly page.
You must familiarize yourself with Princeton's Safety and Operational Guidelines.