Instructions for Invitees

An invitee is an individual or entity who visits University Property, by invitation of a faculty member, staff member, or registered student organization for some purpose that benefits Princeton University.

This includes, but is not limited to, contractors/third-party operators, consultants and vendors, and public safety agencies.

An Invitee who wishes to operate an sUAS for business or education, but not public safety purposes, must:

  1. Have an sUAS Flight Request form submitted on the Invitee’s behalf by the University department responsible for the Invitee while on campus, along with documentation of all required certifications and registrations. View Form »
  2. Have a signed contract with Princeton University covering the operation of an sUAS on University Property that:
    • holds the University harmless from any resulting claims or harm to individuals and damage to University Property,
    • provides liability (general liability or aircraft hull liability) coverage with a $1 million per occurrence limit, and
    • adds “Trustees of Princeton University, its officers, employees, students and agents” as an additional insured. Any modification or deviation from these insurance requirements will require review and approval by Risk Management.  
Special Note: Certificate of Insurance (COI)

Invitees need to make sure the following wording is included on the insurance certificate: “The Trustees of Princeton University, its officers, employees, students and agents are included as additional insureds.” This is a requirement from Risk Management. An example of an acceptable COI can be viewed here.

 If you need more information about providing a Certificate of Insurance, contact us at [email protected]

  1. Receive approval in advance from the sUAS Management Team. Approvals will specify the date(s) and time(s) of operation.  Additional operation times and/or locations require new form submission and approval.
  2. Operate in a manner that preserves the safety, security and privacy of people and structural integrity of University Property at all times and in accordance with Princeton’s policies, including the sUAS Safety and Operational Standards.  
  3. Obtain approval from the Office of Communications for photography and/or filming. Invitees must fill out and submit an Authorization Form to the Office of Communications. Note: This is not necessary for data collected by authorized contractors working on campus construction or infrastructure projects.
  4. Be accompanied at all times, when the sUAS is operating, by a representative of the University department responsible for the Invitee while on campus.

Learn More

POLICIES AND PROCEDURES: University rules for using sUAV on campus and in research » 
WHERE TO FLY: Discover where you can fly on campus and off »
FORMS: Forms you will need to fly your sUAS »
GENERAL SAFETY GUIDELINES: Rules for flying safely at Princeton and beyond »